In this ASCII picture I used the same picture as a the picture that I will later on use on my grid project that will be posted shortly. The reason in which I have chosen the same, is because it actually gave me an idea of how I will later on do my grid project. I love this aspect of small symbols create a beautiful art when taking a step back.
On ASCII picture that I tried to use to see if something would go wrong is the Mona Lisa painting in which it is very detailed and complex. After running it through a ASCII picture converted is was spectacular on how accurate it was. It used darker syllboles such as * and $ to maker it darker such as shadows and used lighter letter such as / to make it less darker such as lighter hitting the hat on the first picture.
After all even though there is ASCII generators there is many creators that enjoy the satisfaction of making an ASCII drawing by themselves. I respect those types of artists as it must take a lot of patience and determination to keep doing working on a piece for a long period of time. I personally would be enjoying doing something such as this simply because when doing work I like to see a clear change through me working showing that it is improving/ changing. Although I would not want to do as a daily job, the pleasure the artist must feel after finishing the work and taking a step back to see the final piece.
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