BLOG POST - B2 - due 9/11
- Watch RAUL CUERO’s interview about Creativity and post your comments on your blog on how can you apply these concepts to your everyday life.
- Read Art Vs Design

Raul Cueroactually talks about how loneliness is actually a good thing but it can’t be just loneliness itself but has been with a feeling that you are being useful while being lonely. Same in art while too some people might think that being lonely is bad. The loneliness is more of being alone and enabling you to have a moment of creativity.

Some concepts that he brings up is the fact of working with teenagers from ages during around 14-19. In my case, I'm 19. He clearly makes it known that when you learn creativity thid young  moment, such as for me in University it is similar as a drug, you just keep learning about being creative things. One point is for example loneliness. It’s all good to be lonely but while being lonely you are creative when being alone and this starts making people attracted to what you are doing so without realizing you are now not lonely no more.

Also after being creative with your hands most a creative when to share what they have created and there is nearly always somebody around that will be positively impacted by your creation. Creativity is also something that can take you away from some temptations. Because you are so focused on your creative work and you are so passionate about what you are doing, you are no longer intrested in that bad temptation.

The main important subject that must be talked about is the fact of feeling useful in what we do. The fact that something is important is good for one or two people. When you are useful you fisicaly feel like you have done something that will not just gave joy for couple of minute but you have impacted them for a significant amount of time.
