Assignment A2 - Flip book

Assignment A2 - Flipbook.

In this book, the intention of this animation was to split it into four different sections. All section was all experimentation trying to experience patterns, movement, audience intent and last the section was implementing all three putting patterns and the movement trying to make the audience putting the animation together.

Firstly the first section is intended to be about dots. The dots are to grow and as they are growing spread out such as plants and vines. When the vine touches another dot the previous dot will disappear.

The second part is all around movement. The figure comes from a second dots and combines into a figure. After the figures were able to be created, it gains a baseball bat in which he hits a ball. Instead of leaving the ball fall out of the page I decided to make the figure do a front flip and catch in the air. After catching the figure lands the figure fades away and it’s the transition to the next section.

The third part had the intent of making the audience believe that that the rocket went inside a circle form and while entering half way the other half would come out of another circular form. Something that makes an audience believe that it is going in one place through the other is the fact that while going through one if there is half of the object going in and half going out, the audiences brain automatically make a connection to both.

Lastly, the last section is the raining over the flower. The flower swings left and right caused by the wind and as it goes left and right the seeds fall into the ground. After that, the rain comes down. The rain divided in a section of lines in lines. After each page, the lines grow by one making it believe that the rain is pouring down the page.
